Indoor interior designed with the concept of the blue seas and white beach provides the dreamlike beauty of light, being harmonized with the peaceful beach. Luxurious interior materials and sophisticated finishing materials are splendid like a beautiful palace in the beach.
Room Information
36Type Room Information
Room type
No. of rooms
Room composition
Bed + Ondol
36A O/V (Ocean view)
119 rooms
One living room / Two rooms / Bathrooms
6 people
Ondol + Ondol
36B M/V (Mountain view)
30 rooms
One living room / Two rooms / Bathrooms
8 people
Room Rate
36Type Room Rate
36A OV
36B MV
Normal Rate
OV : Ocean View, MV : Mountain View
The room rates may change according to circumstances.
36Type Amenities
Home appliance
TV / Phone/ Refrigerator / Air-conditioner / Coffee Pot / Electric cooker / Microwave
>All food utensils / Pots / Frying pans / Dishes for four people